Hey Everyone!
So this is my first blog (Emma!) This is a review about Mango Bath Melt from lush, this is MY Honest opinion!
This is what it looks like!
When I bought this product I thought it was going to be the bestest thing ever,turns out...its really not.
Don't get me wrong, its not that bad but its not great! The lady in the store said that you just put it at the bottom of your bath tub and it would melt and make your bath water milky and smooth, she also said that the scent will linger for a long long time. To be honest it didn't really make my water any different! The scent was the best thing about it, it did linger for a long time! (Which I LOVED) It was £2.95, This is they're cheapest bath melt by the way! But I definitely wont be re-purchasing this product!
Hope you enjoyed the first blog post!